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Tidy up blog

What can Marie Kondo and Tidying Up Teach Us About Marketing

If you’re not familiar with Marie Kondo, she is a recently famous organizing consultant, best-selling author and star of the new Netflix series Tidying Up. Each episode of the show, Marie helps families organize and declutter their homes and their lives, leading them to a happier, less overwhelming lifestyle. So why am I telling you about Marie Kondo, and what does her show have to do with marketing? At first glance, it may seem like nothing, but let's take a deeper look.

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What is Google Signals and What Does It Do?

Another new analytical feature from Google? That’s right! Google has really been working hard in 2018, releasing a bunch of new tools and features available to its users. Being somewhat of a nerd when it comes to this stuff, I love being able to experiment with these new additions and see how they can help me not only make my own websites better, but more importantly my clients’ sites. The latest release that is rolling out in the upcoming week(s) is Google Signals. Let’s take a quick walkthrough on what this is and how it can improve your data.

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Getting content read blog

Can You Afford to Have Your Content Go Unnoticed?

We’ve all heard it a million times - content is king. We get it. Content you post online needs to be relevant, useful, unique and definitely speak to your target audience. So, you produce a piece of content, but it goes unread. “What the hell?”, you think. “Am I just wasting time time?”

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Google retention blog

A Brief Overview of Google’s New Data Retention Controls

If you’re currently using Google Analytics to track your website’s activity, events and goals, then you should have recently received an email regarding Google’s update to data retention. It’s important to update these settings to your liking, because these new settings will go in effect on May 25, 2018 - the same day the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) does. Here are a few things to keep in mind.

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Pros & Cons of Craft CMS Security

Website security is one of the most common concerns we hear from our customers. This is particularly true when they are considering a change in content management platforms. It’s a long term investment which is often tightly integrated within your network and other systems, so we understand the need for due diligence.

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It’s All Teamwork

When you’re part of a company that deals in client services, you’re part of a team. It’s important to remember, though, you’re not just on a team with your coworkers, but also with your clients. Every member of the team in your company - and the clients you’re all working with - is pursuing a similar end.

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GDPR - Are you ready?

GDPR is a new law which replaces the existing EU Data Protection Law, created to strengthen the protection of personal data and personal rights of individuals. Once in effect, GDPR will be the source of all rules regarding the regulation of EU data.

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Design is in our DNA. We live it and breath it. It inspires our creativity and sparks conversations. Below are some of our favorite community submissions around the #SpacedChallenge contest.

Last week @DannPetty from Epicurrence put forth a challenge:

Design a logo, homepage or mobile app for this fictional space travel company and win a MacBook Pro.

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Craft wordpress

A Great Alternative to WordPress for Developers & Users

Most people with any sort of digital experience or knowledge have heard of WordPress, the open-source blogging platform. It’s free, fairly easy to use and there are plenty of options for templates and plugins. The question we should be asking ourselves is “Is there a Wordpress alternative out there?” In our opinion, the answer is Craft, and here’s why.

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A Basic Guide to Featured Snippets

You’ve probably seen and even interacted with a featured snippet even if you don’t know what it is. Have you ever asked Google a question and when the search results appear, there’s the answer right at the top of those results? Well, that’s a featured snippet.

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Puzzle pieces


System Integration: We're working to create a more intuitive world and that doesn't happen without robust integrations. Looking within your daily tasks and responsibilities, how many systems do you touch that don't talk to each other? Could they? Let's talk about how that would change your world and make your company more efficient.

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5 Tips For Using UX to Ensure Development Success

Your stakeholders are on board. You have your development team scheduled and ready to go. You’ve drafted requirements based on what your company says is needed. But you still have that nagging feeling that you are missing something. Something obvious.

What about your users? Will they use it… will they like it? How can you know for sure?

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